SPRING Water Summit, March 9-10, 2023, New Delhi, India
SPRING project (funded by the Government of India and the EU Commission under Horizon 2020) is convening actors from the Indian, EU and Nordic water sector to join in a multilateral summit on March 9-10, 2023 in New Delhi. The summit enables direct interaction with high-level stakeholders in the Indian water sector including high-quality B2B meetings between EU/Nordic and Indian companies. The event has concluded.
Hon Mr Bharat Lal
Director General
National Centre for Good Governance
Government of India
H.E. Ms Ritva Koukku-Ronde
Ambassador of Finland to India
Ms Kamilla Kristensen Rai
Counsellor Urbanisation, Water & Air
Delegation of the European Union to India
H.E. Mr Hans Jacob Frydenlund
Ambassador of Norway in India
Mr G Asok Kumar
Director General
National Mission Clean Ganga
H.E. Mr Rui Baceira, CDA,
Embassy of Portugal
Mr Arun Lakhani
Chairman and Managing Director
Vishvaraj Group
Nokia Finland | ifm electronic Germany | Tata Capital India |
Sulzer Switzerland | Abloy Finland | DHI Group Denmark |
Vishvaraj Group India | Royal HaskoningDHV Netherlands | SansOx Finland |
Research Institutes
UiT Norway Norway | IIT Guwahati India | INESC TEC Portugal |
IIT Kharagpur India | University of Pecs Hungary | IIT – BHU India |
and more organizations
THU 9 MARCH 2023
Taj Ambassador, New Delhi
Subramaniam Bharti Marg, Sujan Sing Park North, Sujan Singh Park,
New Delhi
Water stakeholders of Nordics/EU and India
Note! Registration for B2B closes on March 6, 12:00 PM IST
High Tea
FRI 10 MARCH 2023
Taj Ambassador, New Delhi
– The Dome
Subramaniam Bharti Marg, Sujan Sing Park North, Sujan Singh Park,
New Delhi
09:00 – 09:30
09:30 – 11:00
Registration of Delegates
Inaugural Session
12:30 – 13:30
13:30 – 15:00
15:30 – 17:00
IWRM and Energy Efficiency – Challenges and learnings from India and Northern Europe
IWRM and Energy Efficiency – Challenges and learnings from India and Western/Southern Europe
IWRM and Energy Efficiency – Challenges and learnings from India and Eastern Europe

For inquiries about the event, please contact inkeri.kollmann@fwf.fi. To participate as a speaker, please register with the event via the registration link.
Read about the SPRING Research Contest here!